About Tyndale Academic Press

Tyndale Academic Press (TAP) is a publishing initiative of the Canadian Bible Society and Tyndale University. TAP gives preference to authors and subjects with Canadian sensibilities, dealing with the engagement of faith and society. The goal of TAP is to create a significant platform for Canadian Christian writers and researchers who combine academic enquiry, social research, and an action orientation with the goal of congregational engagement.

Submitting Book Proposals

TAP is not currently accepting new manuscripts for publication. This webpage will be updated when we are in a position to consider manuscripts for publication. Please note that usually the TAP editorial committee (composed of representatives of Tyndale University and the Canadian Bible Society) meets twice a year (June and November) to consider book proposals and review management of TAP. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit proposals by May 1 or November 1 in order to receive consideration for publishing. Authors should consult the TAP Submission Guide for detailed instructions.

TAP gives preference to authors and subjects with Canadian sensibilities, dealing with the engagement of faith and society.

General inquiries about submissions and publications may be directed to the editor at editor@tyndaleacademicpress.ca.